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XF Members recently online 3.0


Staff member
Nov 23, 2024
Reaction score
Displays a block containing members recently online.

All phrases start with membersrecentlyonline_ for your convenience.
Creating the widget:
  1. Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
  2. Click Add widget
  3. Widget definition = Members recently online
  4. Widget key = members_recently_online
  5. Title = (leave blank)
  6. Display in positions = Forum list: Sidebar
  7. Click Save.
User group permissions:
By default the following two user group permissions are set to Yes.
Unregistered / Unconfirmed

Questions and Answers:

Q: I just installed the add-on, how long does it take to populate the Members recently online block?
A: It requires waiting the number of minutes set in the options page for the Members recently online block to be fully updated.
Q: What should I set the Minutes to in the options page?
A: On new forums or forums which get few members visiting, you can set the minutes to a full day (1440 minutes) or even longer.
Q: How can I reduce the Members recently online list?
A: Reduce the minutes in the options page.
Q: Does this add-on honor the "Show your online status" in the users preferences?
A: Only if the Ignore privacy is unchecked in the options page.
Q: What does View as admin mean?
A: If the options page setting Ignore privacy is unchecked, then this user group permission allows viewing those hidden members.
Q: How can I change the widget title?
A: Change the membersrecentlyonline_members_recently_online phrase.


  • Ownzyou-MembersRecentlyOnline3.0.zip
    27.9 KB · Views: 0
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Torch 2.0 – незаменимый помощник для тех, кто занимается чисткой и тестированием форсунок-EFI GDI MPI FSI TFSI TSI D-4 NEODI DISI PIEZO
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Не горит
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Не испаряется
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Идеально подходит как для профессионалов в автосервисах, так и для новичков, кто уже приобрел оборудование или планирует приобрести

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